Listlet on returning to the UK

Some observations based on the last week, in no particular order.


1. No matter how far you travel, you take yourself and all previous selves with you

2. My hayfever is much worse here. This is clearly a portent of something.

3. I am normal size here. This is good when it comes to heights of cupboards and lengths of trousers, but bad when it comes to the general health of the population.

4. There is a bewildering amount of ready-made and ready to eat food available in almost all shops.

5. 3 and 4 are perhaps related.

6. I miss my bike.

7. My grammar is still a bit Dutch.

8. I am slowly realising the mental effort it took to do ‘normal life’ in another language; such a relief not to be mentally rehearsing how I need ask for my coffee, or explain what I need.

9. I miss indy coffee bars…

10…. and the amazing market.

11. Monster Munch are amazing, still.

12. I have too many books clothes shoes everything.